Everything gets better
with a Cup of Coffee


Second Cup Cafe is designed to serve the needs of all New Life members and external customers as well. It provides facilities for all family members and an indoor playground for babies and toddlers. All

football matches and sports events are shown in the café. Bookings are made. All facilities are accessible for persons with disabilities. Free high-speed wi-fi is provided in all areas

Αποκτήστε μια νέα ζωή, πιο ποιοτική, πιο υγιεινή, πιο λαμπερή, με λιγότερο στρες, γίνετε μέλος του New Life.

Αποκτήστε μια νέα ζωή, πιο ποιοτική, πιο υγιεινή,γεμάτη νέες εμπειρίες,
γίνετε μέλος του New Life.