The infraspinatus or external shoulder rotator is responsible for rotating the humerus and it’s important for shoulder stabilization. Now, the deltoid rotator muscles are essential for pressing movements like the bench and shoulder press, so improving strength in this area through resistance training will add to your strength performance significantly.

The cable external shoulder rotation is a great exercise variation for infraspinatus development because cables add constant tension which is necessary for muscular hypertrophy. The shoulder muscles cannot perform properly with weak external rotators which will cause too much internal rotation, therefore weakening your pressing strength altogether.

Cables are highly recommended for shoulder development.

In this Exercise

  • Target muscle Group: Infraspinatus, teres minor (External shoulder rotators)
  • Type: Strength
  • Mechanics: Isolation
  • Equipment: Cables
  • Difficulty: Beginner

Exercise Instructions

  1. Adjust the cable to the same height as your elbow.
  2. Stand with the left side of your body to the cable you’ll be working with.
  3. Grab the cable with your right arm and bend your elbow at a 90-degree angle while keeping your arm firmly against your right side.
  4. Pull the cable across your chest to externally rotate your shoulder.
  5. Hold for two seconds.
  6. Return your forearm to the starting position.
  7. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
  8. Repeat with your opposite arm.

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