Online Booking

Thank you for your interest in renting a room in NEW LIFE HALLS Student Residence.

Below you will find detailed information on how to book a room:

  1. Check the NEW LIFE HALLS brochure for the cost and room type, study also the ACCOMMODATION RULES.
  2. Fill in the Student Personal Information and the Contact Information of another person to be contacted in case of emergency. Select also the room type and the preferred payment method.
  3. We will contact you directly to send you the ACCOMMODATION AGREEMENT and the available room number that can be assigned to you.
  4. You will need to send us the signed ACCOMMODATION AGREEMENT and ACCOMMODATION RULES by e-mail ( along with a copy of your identity card and a form or other proof that you are studying at the European University.
  5. Later on, we will send you back the signed ACCOMMODATION AGREEMENT and the bank account details to which you must settle your financial obligations for the ACCOMMODATION AGREEMENT to be valid. If the financial obligations are not fulfilled within five working days then the ACCOMMODATION AGREEMENT shall be considered invalid.
Online Booking

Student Personal Information

Permanent Address of Residence

Emergency Contact Information:

Room Type & Payment Methods: