The reverse-grip lat pull-down is an effective exercise which targets the latissimus dorsi (Lats) muscles. Now, by using a reverse-grip you target more of the lower lats since your upper arms are closer to your body, and you’re also pulling more with your biceps which allows you to train with more weight.

The underhand grip pull-down is an excellent exercise for people at all levels of training, and you can build an impressive amount of muscle and strength. This exercise is also great for improving other back movements like rows, and pull-ups since you’re progressively increasing upper body strength.

So, be sure to incorporate this pull-down variation into your back workouts for better lat development.

In This Exercise

  • Target Muscle Group: Latissimus Dorsi
  • Type: Strength
  • Mechanics: Compound
  • Equipment: Lat pull-down machine
  • Difficulty: Beginner

Exercise Instructions

  1. Begin by adjusting the leg support pads to lock your body in place during the exercise.
  2. Then stand up and grab the bar with an underhand grip about shoulder-width distance apart.
  3. Sit back down on the machine so your legs are secure under the support pads.
  4. Keep your back straight and lean your torso back slightly.
  5. Now, pull the bar down to a few inches above your mid-chest.
  6. Hold for a couple of seconds.
  7. Slowly reverse the motion and allow the bar to return to the top of the movement with arms extended but don’t lock your elbows out at the top.
  8. Repeat for the desired number of reps.

Variations & Tips

  • You can use an overhand wide-grip to target more of the upper lats.
  • Keep your elbows close to your sides and not flared out during the reverse-grip pull-down.
  • Do not lock your arms out at the top of the exercise.
  • The reverse-grip lat pull-down targets the lower lats but the biceps are also worked during the positive portion of the exercise.

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