Stand facing the barbell, legs slight apart with the abdominal muscles contracted and the back slight arched.Bend the knees until the things are almost parallel to the floor. This position will very depending on your physical structure and flexibility of your hankies.(The thighs will be horizontal for someone with short thigh bones and grip on the bar with your hands slightly more than shoulder-width apart.You can also use an over-under grip(One palm faces forward and other faces back) to prevent the bar from rolling and to work much heavier weight:
- Inhale,hold the breath,contract the abdominal and low back muscles, and low back muscles, and lift the bar by straightening your legs and allowing the bar to slide up the shins.
- When the bar reaches the knees,extend your torso while straightening your legs so you are standing erect,with your arms straight down your sides,exhaling as you complete the movement.
- Hold this straightened position for 2 seconds. the return the weight to the floor,making sure you do not hyperextend or arch your back
Throughout the exercise, keep your back straight.This exercise works nearly every muscle in the body and is effective for developing the lumbosacral and trapezius muscles. It is also works the gluteal muscles and quadriceps intensely.The deadlift, along with the bench press and the squat,make up the exercises in powerlifting competitions.